
Lobo Nut & Bolt Services

We are on call 24 hours a day to ensure you get the supplies you need.

We understand the unexpected happens in the oilfield daily, and that is why we have someone readily available to open the store for you 24 hours a day. All you need to take advantage of this service is to have an active account with us. Don't have an account? It is simple to set one up.

You can fax your applications to (575) 397-2362 or e-mail at [email protected].

Special Services

Need something special for your project?
We can get those hard-to-find fasteners and products to help you finish those special projects. Stop by or call us today to let us place your special orders.

We can cut the rod to length
We keep the threaded rod in stock to cut to length. We stock sizes 5/8" to 2" in coarse, fine, and 8 thread. Place your order today!

We can come to you!

Our Sales Team services nearby towns on a weekly basis. Call today to request a visit from one of our dedicated Sales Members.

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